Α. General
1. The present general terms are valid and binding for every user who browses the website and its parts that are posted on the Internet under the domain name “nitragallery.com” as well as in every other website that has been posted in a secondary domain (subdomain).
2. Browsing this page and using any information or services this page contains, constitutes an unconditional acceptance of the present terms, which are available with no restrictions to all users to read and study them, at a part of the web page where, according to the average person’s perception and experience, are usually situated, that is at the footer of the web page, via the hyperlink “http://nitragallery.com/terms-and-conditions/”, under the title “Terms of Transactions & Use”.
3. The present web page is the area for the presentation, promotion and operation of Nitra Gallery- Aliki E.Tsirliagkou (Company), as it contains information about the enterprise and its organization.
B. Special Responsibilities & Obligations of the User
1. Further to the responsibilities and obligations of the User as agreed above by the contracting parties, every user of the website undertakes the obligation to compensate the Company for any loss or damage that the latter will suffer due to fraudulent or gross negligent behavior of the former, to pay any compensation set by judicial order or by extra judicial compromise to third parties due to the Users fraudulent or negligent behavior. The present procedural safeguard clause is implemented in favor of every other entity, legal or physical that is an employee, dealer, representative, or in general agent of the Company.
2. Especially for the use of the website, the User undertakes the obligation to use its services and browse in it, according to good faith and honest practices, not to violate the general obligation of obeying moral and ethics of Internet Users while interacting with the services provided by the website, not to attempt to acquire illegal access to the server that hosts the website or to its level of administration, not to create artificial traffic to the server and, in general, not to act in a way that could set the website offline, or undermine its response time, or its browsing speed, or its interaction with its database, or to endanger the above, either through the worldwide web (www) or by sending messages of electronic correspondence (emails), either through every known way today, or even unknown way that could causally achieve or risk to achieve the same result.
3. The website and its content are provided “as is” and the Company undertakes no obligation or responsibility, nor guarantees in total:
a) the accuracy, quality, completeness and validity of its content as a whole,
b) any content that might come from third parties and is entered automatically in it, or refers to other websites (hyperlinks),
c) that the website is provided through a server, free of viruses, malware or other similar applications.
4. Every user of the website undertake the obligation to take all measures to protect themselves from viruses, malware or other similar applications. The website hyperlinks that refer to other websites are provided only and exclusively to facilitate the users. Any citation of a hyperlink does not mean that the Company knows, or recognizes or accepts the content of the websites to which the hyperlinks refer. The Company undertakes no responsibility regarding any type of damage that might occur to any website user, directly or indirectly that is linked to the use and retrieval of its content.
5. Without excluding the legitimate uses of the websites’s content, it is not permitted to store permanently in a storage medium, to print or reproduce at any way and in any medium the total or part or layout of the website for aims other than its legitimate use.
C. Processing and Protecting Personal Data
1. The User accepts and recognizes that the website, in order to achieve full functionality in general for the website operation and due to the lack of other medium milder or of different technology, stores temporarily in the cache memory that interacts with the browsing – navigation software, cookies that store anonymously data that concern the navigation – browsing of the website or the operation of the website’s software and interact with the software at each visit of the User.
2. The User accepts the installation of these files on the storage space of the device – computer that he/she uses for browsing in the website.
3. The User knows or is obliged to know, in case he wishes to restrict the storage of such files in his / her system, the way to achieve the desired result – level of protection, depending on the browsing – navigating software he /she uses and its settings. In this case, the User acknowledges and accepts that due to the implementation of this restriction, it is possible that the User will not be able achieve full website functionality until the lift of the ban of storing “cookies”.
D. Industrial and Intellectual Property
1. Logos and trademarks that are posted on the website, either via the Product images or in any other section of the present website, constitute Industrial and Intellectual Property of the Company.
2. The Company is the proprietor of every right of industrial property in the sense of the national and European legal framework in force concerning the website, indicatively but not limited to the name and the logo of the company “NITRA GALLERY –Aliki Tsirliagkou.”, the logo illustrating the name, the particular method of making transactions, etc.
3. Any downloading – exporting of images from the website, either concerning Products or structural graphics constituting the image of the website to the Users is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the Company.
4. Over the texts and photographs that are posted on and embodied in the website, the Company as their sole creator or exclusive proprietor, bears the total of intellectual rights (moral or/and economic) according to the provisions of L. 2121/1993 as amended and into force.
5. Reproduction of the texts on the Internet or on another document, either in total or partially, is permitted without the written consent of the enterprise, exclusively for non-commercial purposes, direct or indirect, without any interference or alteration of the content of each text and with the obligation of reference to the source, i.e. the website “nitragallery.com Any other use of these texts is permitted only with a special written agreement of the Company.
6. The aforementioned way of provision of the content is implemented only on the texts of the blog and of the section of artists’ presentation (photographs excluded) and is under voluntarily limitation of the rights stemming from L. 2121/1993 and is legally reflected on the precise content of the license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Greece (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 GR) [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/gr/deed.en_US] 7. No other reproduction through any means, printed or digital is allowed without the prior written consent of the Company according to the aforementioned, except the methods available on the present website regarding reproduction on social media through automatic copying of the content, of the hyperlink that directs to it or via RSS. In case the ability of automatic reproduction, according to the above, is not activated, the Company’s prohibition for this is presumed.
E. Final Provisions
1. The Contract is given to the Users “as is”. The declaration of will of the User to the Company through which the present Contract is accepted, constitutes of the browsing procedure (browse wrap). Partial acceptance or acceptance with reservation of the Contract is ruled out.
2. Refusal of acceptance of the Contract entails the Users’ obligation to stop any use of it (browsing – navigating) and not to submit any order to conclude a contract of sales.
3. Any dispute that shall accrue from the execution of the present Contract Terms regarding the usage of the website it is agreed from today that shall be solved amicable through the constitution of mediation, according to Law 3898/ 2010 (OGG – Official Government Gazette Α’ 211/16.12.2010): “Mediation In Civil and Commercial Disputes”, as amended until today (OGG – Official Government Gazette Α’ 237/5.12.2012). At the case that the above ADR procedure fails, the Courts of Athens shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to rule and resolve the dispute.
4. In the case that one or more of the provisions of the present are found null, then this nullity is valid only for these provisions and not for the Contract in total.
5. The contracting parties agree that the present Contract is in force and covers all issues that regulates from June 01, 2015 onwards, while it abolishes and prevails over any previous one in the future.
6. This text is a true translation in English of the original which is composed in Greek and the latter prevails at the case of any interpretation issues or contradictory provisions.